It’s National Pygmy Squirrel Day. Not really, but it should be. This is the tufted pygmy squirrel Exilisciurus whiteheadi. These cute little guys are about as big as mice. Yes, they are adorable. No, you can’t have one for a pet.
Here’s another cheeky peek at the new (secret) Horrible Histories project. It’s only a rough, but any ideas what it’s going to be about? At one point, this place had a lot of people who thought they should be king. Thirteen of them!
'She pulled Cave Bear tight and held on to one of the old tree's short branches where the kitten now perched, completely still, its eyes narrowed. "Bear, bear, bear!"'
Happy New Year! Or maybe, Happy Old Year! 20 years ago, almost to the day, Horrible Histories Loathsome London was published. It’s now simply titled ‘London’ but it’s still full of Rotten Romans, Terrible Tudors and of course, Vicious Vikings.